His Heart Read online

Page 8

  “I wouldn’t say bad, but Granddad asked her to stay, and get it all sorted. I’m glad he hired her. Now we just have to find a permanent solution,” Axel sighed. He reined the horse in and pointed. “Wow, they got far!”

  Following the direction he was pointing in, I could see the cattle. We spurred the horses on and got on with checking out the cattle and the calves. Axel liked to count them daily, make sure all the little guys were hanging in there.

  The distraction from my own thoughts was a good thing. I didn’t need to think about Carissa being here at the ranch all night.

  Axel and I were both hot and tired when we came back, the sun beating down on us. I’d be glad to get inside, get something to drink and clean up. I wasn’t thinking about much after we got the horses cared for as we walked into the house.

  Pris was waiting, large glasses of water in hand. “How were they?”

  Axel took a glass from her, beaming at her. “They look great. You should go out and serenade them, Granddad,” he grinned at Freeze as he drank.

  “I might just,” Freeze said. “It’s good for them.”

  I chuckled as I drank my own water. I finished the glass, and Pris filled it up again. “You sure about that?” I teased.

  Freeze glared, although not with any real heat. “They do indeed. Cattlemen have known it for years. You slickers are just figuring it out.”

  Axel, having finished his own water and drank another half glass, nodded. “They do. It calms them.”

  “I saw a video on that,” Pris said. “Some guy was learning the sax, and he would go out in the country and play for cows.”

  “Bet they loved it,” Freeze said.

  Pris nodded, smiling. “They did. They all crowded to the fence where he was standing playing.”

  I wanted to ask about Carissa, but I couldn’t. I didn’t need my boss knowing what I thought of his accountant, even if she wasn’t permanent. Freeze really liked Mrs. Webber, and he might not take it kindly that I was… what was I doing with Carissa Webber?

  Shit. I didn’t even know.

  “I’m going to get a shower before dinner,” I said.

  “Don’t dawdle,” Pris said.

  I smiled and went back to my cabin. I was doing all right. All I needed to do was get through dinner. Then I’d try to talk to her, make sure that we were okay and—well, I didn’t know what else. What I wanted was to finish what we started, but I needed to stop that shit in its tracks. I was no good for her.

  When I walked into the main house, my fine plans went straight and utterly to Hell. I was seated next to Carissa. She smiled up at me as I took my seat, and I felt like a teenager meeting my girlfriend’s parents. Except Carissa wasn’t my girlfriend, and these weren’t her parents. They were my bosses.

  I wasn’t sure what was worse.

  There was conversation, but I couldn’t keep track. Carissa’s hand bumped me twice, and her leg nudged mine once. My cock flared into life, demanding we get closer, and I was focused on shutting it down. Jesus.

  This job was supposed to help me learn to relax, I thought with a grin.

  “What’s so funny?” Freeze’s words interrupted my thoughts.

  I shook my head. “Nothing I care to share.”

  He eyed me, and a tiny smile made the corner of his mouth turn up. Oddly, for Freeze, he didn’t pursue it.

  Okay. That was out of character. My spidey senses tingled. I might not be a SEAL any longer, and completely fucked in the head about it, but I knew when something was off.

  After dinner, Freeze leaned back. “So, Carissa, how’s things?”

  She was in the middle of drinking tea. Once she’d swallowed, and I watched her throat move with a fascination that I should be ashamed about, she looked over. “You want to talk about this now?”

  Freeze spread his hands. “It’s family. Well, Jensen’s not quite there yet, but I got a good feeling about him,” he winked at me.

  A warmth I didn’t know was possible spread over me at his words.

  “At least he’s not falling off the horse anymore,” Axel put in.

  “Dude,” I shot him a look. “One time does not make a habit.”

  Pris rolled her eyes. “You were saying, Carissa?”

  Carissa took a breath. “I think you are doing well. You might want to watch your expenses in buying cattle, but other than that, you’re very good about your spending. You’re in good shape. I’ll have all the numbers done for you tomorrow, but that’s a high-level summary.” She smiled.

  “Hot damn!” Freeze slapped the table, making everyone jump. “This calls for a celebration! Axel and Pris, get your duds. We’re going out.”

  “But—” Pris objected.

  “No buts, missy. We’re going out, and Jensen and Carissa are going to indulge an old man and clean up.” He beamed at me.

  “Yes, thank you for all your hard work,” Axel deadpanned. “Now clean up and make it snappy.”

  “That’s fine,” Carissa said, getting up and picking up her plate. “You’ve earned it.”

  I wasn’t sure what to think. Pris didn’t seem happy. She was glaring at Freeze, who was studiously ignoring her. Axel took her hand, and they left.

  Freeze watched them, and then turned to me, putting out a hand to stop Carissa. “Not trying to be rude. Those two need to get out of here, even if I have to tag along. I’m planning to ditch ‘em once we get into town, but if I don’t drag their asses out, they’ll work themselves to death. They’re good workers, and I want them to enjoy life a little. You know, before they look like me.”

  Carissa’s face softened. “You’re a good man, Freeze.”

  “You are,” I said.

  “Well,” Freeze leaned back, “They’re good kids. Newlyweds, and they’re helping me realize my dream. I figure I gotta get them out every now and then.”

  “Have fun,” Carissa said. “We’ll get everything cleaned up here.”

  I nodded.

  Freeze smiled. “Thank you. Ignore Pris when she tries to apologize for my rude old man self.” His grin widened.

  When Pris and Axel came back, Carissa was at the sink, and I was scraping the plates over the compost can.

  “I’m really sorry,” she began.

  Carissa spoke before I could. “Pris, you all need to go out. Go enjoy yourselves. We’re fine here, aren’t we, Jensen?”

  Her use of ‘we,’ made my blood roar. “We sure are. Go on. Get out while you can,” I said, grinning at Axel. “You know there’s always work. It won’t go anywhere.”

  “Come on,” Freeze said, moving to the door. “We need to go.”

  And with Pris still looking like she wanted to protest, the three of them left, leaving me with Carissa. I heard the truck start up, and when the noise of the engine moved into the distance, I turned to her. “I’m so sorry for what happened the other day. I don’t want you to—”

  Carissa stepped away from the sink. “Shut up, Jensen.” She was close, too close.

  No. This wasn’t right—I wasn’t right. Not for her. It was hard to think with the smell of her—light, floral, smelling of sunshine—close to me. She got even closer, putting her hands on my chest.


  “Fuck this,” she muttered. Reaching up, she put her hands on my face, and pulled my head down to hers.

  Our lips met with a crash, and everything that I’d been suppressing roared to life.

  Chapter Twelve


  His lips against mine were soft for a moment, and then he put his hands on my waist, leaning in, deepening the kiss. Whatever reservations he’d had I hoped that my abrupt kiss had dispelled them.

  Jensen pulled away, his face flushed, and his voice hoarse. “Carissa, I don’t think we should—I’m not right—I mean, ”

  I put my hand over his lips. “I’ve been thinking about this for days, Jensen. I want to finish what we started.”

  “What?” he whispered against my hand.

  I dropped
it, and kissed him, nipping his bottom lip where it was fullest, feeling his cock in his pants twitch against me. Which made me wet. Jesus.

  I’d been wrestling with myself since the estate sale. What I’d finally figured out was that I wanted to be with him. I knew it was probably temporary—hey, a girl can hope even as she’s realistic, right? And I’d decided that even though I was fairly fresh out of a relationship, my ex had killed my love for him when he left me to the mercy of whatever people he owed money to. I was free. There was no one I owed anything to other than myself.

  Jensen was divorced, so he was free as well. There was nothing stopping me from enjoying him. Or him from enjoying me. Hopefully more than once. The thought made me smile.

  “I want you to come back to my room with me and show me what I missed out on last week,” I said in what I hoped was something that came out sexy.

  “Are you sure?”

  I nodded, rubbing myself against him. I was never like this, but something about Jensen made me want to have sex, with him, all night long. It had just taken me a few days to puzzle it out. Which made me feel stupid, but I wasn’t going to mull over that now. Not with this gorgeous man in front of me.

  “Where’s your room?” His voice had lowered, a sexy rumble that made my skin break out in gooseflesh.

  “I’m downstairs,” I said.

  “Then we’d better get down there before I commit an indecency right on the kitchen island,” he growled.

  I laughed, and taking his hand, led him down the stairs to where there were a couple of guest rooms. We walked into the one I’d been given, and Jensen shut the door behind him, turning on the light.

  “I want to see you naked,” he said. “Properly.”

  “Oh, um…” I stopped, feeling shy. Then I squared my shoulders and not taking my eyes from him. Carefully, my heart feeling like it was going to thud out of my chest, I pulled my tee shirt over my head. Then I unhooked my bra, letting it drop to the floor.

  Jensen’s eyes darkened to a deep forest green, and I could feel the heat, the desire, rolling off him. It was intoxicating.

  I ran my hands down my front, loving that he inhaled deeply as he saw my nipples harden at my touch. I bit my lip. This was as torturous on me as it was to him. At least, I hoped.

  Unbuttoning my jeans, I shimmied out of them, leaving my panties. I’d been hoping, when I’d gotten dressed this morning, that he’d get to see them—light purple, lacy, and barely there. I stepped out of the jeans and was about to do another shimmy for the panties when Jensen closed the distance between us.

  “You are so beautiful,” he breathed into my ear as his hands ran down my back, cupping my ass, pulling me to him, letting me feel the hardness. My thighs, rubbing against his jeans, went up in flames. He wasn’t even doing anything, and I felt like I was already losing control.

  It was scary. It was wonderful. I wanted more.

  “And you’re driving me crazy,” Jensen said. He bent to kiss me. His hands, slightly rough as I’d remembered, cupped my breasts. I loved the way they felt on me.

  “You’re… a little… overdressed,” I whispered.

  He stepped back and was naked with lightning speed.

  I blinked. Holy shit. He was… he was glorious. His cock was hard, jutting out. “That was fast,” I managed.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he said. He was giving me that hooded, dark-eyed stare full of hunger and desire.

  I shivered.

  “Let me love you,” Jensen said.

  I’d never heard anything sexier in my life, or more heartfelt. I nodded, and he stepped closer to me. Leaning down, he kissed me, and I could feel his cock between us, nudging into the cleft of my legs.

  Jensen groaned. “You feel amazing.”

  “It’s about to get better,” I purred. Holy hell, where was this coming from? I didn’t care. I backed up, bringing us both to the bed, and I sat down, intending to pull him with me.

  Jensen leaned back and let me sit.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I’ve been dreaming of this,” he murmured. Kneeling down, he was at eye level with me, and he cupped my face as he kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his head, wanting him closer.

  Jensen kissed down along my neck, and made his way to my breast, sucking carefully on the nipple. His other hand dipped between my legs, and then I felt his finger against my clit, also very carefully.

  My legs opened, and he sucked harder on my nipple as his finger rubbed at me. My head fell back.

  Jensen moved to the other breast, still steadily stroking me, even as I felt myself getting wetter.

  “Jensen, please,” I heard myself beg.

  “No,” his voice rumbled against my stomach as he kissed down to my navel, his voice vibrating against my skin. “No, I want to make you scream, and then scream some more.” He kissed me more, moving down further until he was between my legs.

  Sweet Mary mother of Joseph.

  He parted my legs further, and then leaned in, his tongue licking me where his finger had been just a moment before.

  I moaned. I couldn’t help it.

  Jensen took my clit into his mouth, sucking on it, and then his finger slid into me. He curled his finger, stroking me from within. In and out his finger moved, and then he added another, stretching me. Each time he pushed into me, he curled his fingers.

  All the while, he sucked on my clit. I leaned back onto my elbows, feeling like I was going to die. “Jensen,” I begged.

  He didn’t answer, but thrust his fingers into me deeply, sucking on my clit harder as well. I closed my eyes, lost in the pleasure of this gorgeous man touching me.

  I could feel myself getting close to orgasm, and my knees tensed. Jensen put one leg onto his shoulder, then the other. He took his mouth from me. “Come for me, Carissa,” his voice sounded broken.

  Then he sucked at me again, this time using a little bit of teeth. Oh holy Christ. The teeth pushed me over the edge, and I cried out, a keening sound that I didn’t recognize. I could feel more wetness between my legs, but Jensen didn’t seem bothered. If anything, it made him move faster within me.

  Before I knew it, I was coming again. I fell back onto the bed, sweaty and satisfied. I looked down to see Jensen looking very pleased with himself. Then his face froze in horror.

  “What?” I asked, pushing myself up onto my elbows.

  “Shit, Carissa, I don’t have anything.”

  I stared at him blankly, trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about. Then it hit me. “Oh, well, that’s all right.” I stopped. “I do,” I said.

  “What? You do? Thank God!” He smiled.

  “I was hopeful,” I said softly, feeling my cheeks heat up as I looked away.

  Jensen’s finger caught my chin, making me look at him. “That’s the best fucking thing I’ve ever heard. The best. In my entire life.”

  I sat up and eased around him, going to my purse. I pulled out the box of condoms I’d bought before coming here. When I bought them, I figured I was hoping against hope, or maybe even jinxing myself. But I’d done it because as I’d said, I was hopeful.

  I turned around, shaking the box at him. Jensen got to his feet, taking the box and leaning down to kiss me as he did so. I could taste myself on him, and it made me wet again. There was something sexy about it.

  He led me to the bed, and I sat down, scooting into the middle. He tore open the box, and then opened one of the packets, rolling on the condom.

  “Oh, I was planning to return the favor,” I said, remembering.

  “What favor?”

  “What you just did for me?”

  He laughed a little. “I don’t know that I could handle that. And I want to be in you in the worst way, Carissa. How about a rain check?” He smiled, his eyes crinkling as he looked down at me.

  I felt warm, and caressed by his gaze, and… something I couldn’t identify. I pushed my thoughts aside. This was no time for thought, but for action. I reached out for him, and
he took my hand as he joined me on the bed. He settled between my legs, and I felt the tip of his cock at the entrance to my pussy.

  Carefully, he entered me, pushing all the way in, stretching me as he went all the way to the hilt. God, he felt amazing. He moved slowly, in and out, and then I put my hands around his ass, pulling him to me hard.

  “Fuck me, Jensen,” I whispered. “Hard. Now. Please.”

  There was a moment when our eyes locked, and again, I saw something in his I couldn’t identify, and then his mouth came down on mind, hard and demanding, not careful as he’d been before.

  I welcomed it.

  Then he began to move, and this time, he didn’t take it slow. Every time he withdrew, he pounded his cock into me. I wrapped my legs around him, pulling my hips up a little, which allowed him to go deeper. He felt amazing, and as he moved within me faster and harder, I couldn’t believe I felt myself heading for yet another orgasm.

  Jensen’s hands gripped my hips, thrusting into me.

  “Oh, God, yes!” I cried out. “Jensen, yes!”

  His thrusts were even harder, and then I felt him stiffen. I looked up at him, and our eyes met. His cock throbbed within me, pushing me over the edge. As I came, my nails dug into his ass.

  All the while, he never looked away. I didn’t either. Then my shoulders relaxed into the bed.

  Jensen leaned down to kiss me, his hand cupping my face again. As he straightened, he pulled out of me, and got off the bed, going to the bathroom. I watched his ass walk away, appreciating all the obvious muscles. This was a man who was at home with his body.

  Probably why he wanted the lights on. That wasn’t my normal preference, but now, I was glad he’d asked for it. I loved watching him.

  He came back out, and cuddled me next to him, wrapping me in his arms. I could hear his heartbeat in his chest. My eyes were closing with how nice this felt to have a man in my arms, who wrapped me in his. It was—holy shit! I sat up.

  “What’s wrong?” Jensen was immediately on alert.

  “The dishes!” I yelped.

  Chapter Thirteen